Come Bloom with us!

Hey crew! If you are in Melbs on the 9th of August and you like blooms you should come take a class with me and my sister. (My sister is the rad florist, I'm more like her sou chef of floristry and I'll also be there for general chit chats and hilarity) The classes will run as part of the craft hatch festival and they take place at thousand pound bend in the city. All details can be found at craft vic here.

Gonna be a good time. Add some fun and colour to your Wintery Sunday, thats what I will be doing....

(Oh and we will also be at Finders Keepers this weekend!!! If you come up to me and say some sort of code word, lets say, 'phenomenal llama', I'll even cut you a deal on the class and give you a $30 discount. $30?! Thats like a a carton of beer off!! Well, almost....)